Raid shadow legends best first champion
Raid shadow legends best first champion

raid shadow legends best first champion

If it helps you progress or have more fun, buying a few things is probably better than sticking to a position (with zero attached status, really). At this point it is a matter of principal. He survived, but averaged 45 second clears on 12-3 and 12-6 given lack of AOE on A1. My problem here was I geared him poorly, then stuck with that far too long (bound by silver). He was my first legendary, so that had to be good, right? Maybe. At this point I use Tallia only in Minotaur and Faction Wars. Not because she was useful, but because she was nice to look at, and I liked watching her AOE blast opponents. Speaking of my first 6 star, it was Tallia. But, my farm speed suffered enormously for a long time as a result of this poor prioritization. In fact, after months at level 60 I have yet to 6 star a starter champ. I did NOT make my starter my first 6 star. There are dozens of threads on why, and while not all agree with this, i feel my choice set me back quite a bit. I started with Elhain because she was nice to look at. Hopefully reading through some of my bone-headed errors and counterproductive, outright stubbornness will help some folks avoid falling into similar traps (especially early to mid game): I have recovered on most of these, but still digging out of a few holes. It has taken me this long to admit mistakes I have made playing this game. I have been at level 60 for a few months now.

Raid shadow legends best first champion